Alzheimer’s Disease
General symptoms include:
- Memory difficulties
- Difficulties with speech, communication and social skills
- Mood changes or anxiety/depression
- Fatigue, lack of concentration and enthusiasm
- Reduced physical and motor coordination
- Troubles with high level planning, organising and problem-solving skills
Many of these symptoms will leak into the nutritional wellbeing of someone with Alzheimer’s and the specific aspects of nutrition that the disease can impact on include:
- Loss of appetite
- Forgetting to eat and drink
- Changes in taste preferences and dietary habits
- Difficulties with chewing and swallowing
- Changes in taste and smell
- Having difficulties at mealtimes
- Insatiable appetite/craving sweets
What causes Alzheimer’s Disease
There are currently 472 000 Australians living with dementia and that figure is expected to grow with the ageing population. This is because the main risk factor for Alzheimer’s is age, with three in ten people over 85 having dementia.
Other risk factors include:
- Gender (there are twice as many women as men over 65 with Alzheimer’s)
- Genetics
- Lifestyle i.e. diet and exercise
- Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension
An interesting fact about Alzheimer’s disease
Currently, multiple research and clinical trials are being conducted to investigate the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. One recent trial involved developing an Alzheimer’s vaccine for mice.
What improvement can you expect from a tailored dietary prescription?
Alzheimer’s is a lifelong disease and our main goal is management. With proper nutrition you can expect:
- Improved independence
- Better energy levels
- Improved mood
- Healthy weight gain
- Reduced progression of the disease
- Improved blood biochemistry and correction of any nutritional deficiencies
- Improved management of other chronic diseases (if any)
How will you know if it’s working?
We will monitor your individual symptoms along your care journey to see if they improve or are well-managed. Ideally, we would like to see a greater independence at home and all the improvements described above. But Alzheimer’s is a tough and bumpy road and it is often tricky to predict certain outcomes, however Bites Health Clinic is happy to help every step of the way and provide ongoing support.
Helpful things to bring/remember before your first appointment
- Referral if you have one
- Medical history from your GP and/or treating specialists
- List of current medications
- Bring along your partner/carer/friend etc. if you would like someone else to help with recall of information provided although this is not necessary as our team is able to provide written copies and/or email you any reports and meal plans devised.
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