
1 RM Calculator

Do you know how to scientifically fast track your strength training?

Use our 1 RM calculator below to work out your current “personal bests” for different exercises. From this 1 RM measurement, the calculator will also automatically work out the recommended training load you should be using for that exercise to optimise your strength gains.


How does 1 RM testing work and why should I use it?  

Interpreting and using a 1 Repetition Maximum (1 RM) measurement is crucial for designing effective strength training programs and tracking progress. A 1 RM represents the maximum weight an individual can lift for a single repetition of a specific exercise. Here’s how to interpret and use a 1 RM measurement effectively:

1. Assess Current Strength: A 1 RM test is used to determine your current strength level for a particular exercise. It helps establish a baseline, allowing you to track progress over time. The 1 RM can vary for different exercises, so it’s essential to test for each exercise you want to include in your strength training program.

2. Set Goals: Once you know your 1 RM for a specific exercise, you can set appropriate strength training goals. For example, if your 1 RM for the bench press is 100 kg, you can aim to increase it to 120 kg as a short-term goal and 160 kg as a long-term goal. Goals should be challenging but realistic.

3. Determine Training Loads: Knowing your 1 RM is essential for calculating the appropriate training loads for various rep and set schemes. For instance, if you want to train at 80% of your 1 RM for a particular exercise, you can calculate the weight to use for your sets. This ensures you’re lifting a weight that’s challenging but still allows you to complete the prescribed number of reps.

4. Plan Periodization: Periodization involves planning your strength training program in phases to avoid plateaus and overtraining. Your 1 RM measurements can help you determine when to increase the training load, change exercises, or adjust the training volume to keep making progress while minimizing the risk of injury and burnout.

5. Monitor Progress: Regularly retesting your 1 RM is essential for tracking progress. Ideally, you should retest every 4-12 weeks, depending on your training program. If you observe an increase in your 1 RM, it’s a clear sign that your training is effective and that you’re getting stronger.

6. Adjust Your Program: Based on your 1 RM measurements and progress, you can adjust your strength training program accordingly. If you’ve achieved your short-term goal (e.g., a 10% increase in your 1 RM), you may want to set new goals and modify your training plan to continue challenging your strength.

7. Ensure Safety: It’s essential to prioritize safety when using 1 RM measurements. Always perform 1 RM tests with proper form and technique to avoid injury. Additionally, consider using a spotter or safety equipment when testing your limits, especially for exercises like the bench press or squat.


How to use the calculator: 

Step 1: Choose an exercise you would like to test eg. bicep curl

Step 2: Pick a weight that feels challenging for you to lift (you shouldn’t be able to do more than 15 repetitions of the weight, if you reach 15 repetitions, the weight is too light for the test and you’ll have to repeat the test again with a heavier weight)

Step 3: Complete as many repetitions of the exercise as you can until muscle fatigue or another factor limits you being able to complete a repetition with proper technique

Step 4: Enter the weight chosen and the number of repetitions you were able to perform of it in the calculator below.

Step 5: The 1 RM result calculated is your personal best. You can use this as a metric for measuring your progress. The 80% value is the training load recommended for you to use in order to optimise your strength training gains. Eg if your 80% value is 30 kg, you should be completing your bicep curls with a 30 kg weight.

Step 6: Reassess your 1 RM’s periodically when you think your strength may have increased or decreased. Every 6 – 8 weeks is usually a good idea.   

Important: It’s crucial to approach 1 RM testing with care and prioritize safety throughout the process. It is recommended to perform 1 RM testing under the supervision of your Exercise Physiologist. There are health risks that come with performing exercise testing and it is necessary to check with your Doctor, health care professional or Exercise Physiologist before attempting any exercise testing. Bites Health Clinic accepts no liability for any injury or misadventure caused by using this calculator or testing method.