
Workcover/CTP Rehab

Rehab Programs

Our Exercise physiologists are workcover/ WorkSafe NSW / SIRA accredited and are able to get you on your way to recovery following an unfortunate situation at work or on the road!

We work with your GP, employer, insurer and other rehab providers to help you recover through our strength and conditioning programs.

We Come To Your Gym

Although your initial assessment may be in our clinics, we like to conduct our ongoing rehab programs in a gym that’s close to your home or work so that it is most convenient to you!

Our Exercise Physiologists will meet you usually weekly or fortnightly to supervise a program from start to finish as you get stronger and closer to recovery.

Benefits of working with an exercise physiologist for Workcover or CTP Rehab

Working with an Exercise Physiologist for WorkCover or CTP rehab can provide several benefits for injured workers and their recovery process. Here are some advantages:

Injury Rehabilitation

Our Exercise physiologists specialise in designing exercise programs for injury rehabilitation. They have a deep understanding of musculoskeletal conditions and can develop tailored exercise plans to address specific injuries and promote recovery. By working closely with an exercise physiologist, injured workers can receive targeted exercise interventions to improve mobility, strength, and functionality, aiding in their rehabilitation journey.

Safe and Effective Exercise Programs

Exercise physiologists have expertise in exercise prescription and can design safe and effective programs for injured workers. They take into account the type and severity of the injury, as well as any restrictions or limitations, to develop exercise routines that promote healing without causing further harm. This ensures that the exercise programs are suitable for the individual’s condition and support their recovery while minimising the risk of re-injury.

Pain Management

Chronic pain is a common challenge for individuals involved in work-related injuries. Our Exercise physiologists incorporate pain management strategies into their exercise programs. Through targeted exercises, stretching, and other therapeutic techniques, they can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve overall comfort. This holistic approach to pain management can have positive effects on an injured worker’s well-being and quality of life.

Functional Restoration

Work-related injuries often impact an individual’s ability to perform their job tasks and daily activities. Exercise physiologists focus on restoring functionality through specific exercises and movement patterns. By targeting functional restoration, they help injured workers regain their physical capabilities and improve their ability to return to work safely and with confidence.

Individualised Approach

Each injured worker’s situation is unique, and exercise physiologists understand the importance of an individualised approach to rehabilitation. They conduct thorough assessments to identify specific needs, limitations, and goals. This enables them to develop personalised exercise plans that address the individual’s requirements, taking into account factors such as pre-existing conditions, previous injuries, and work-related tasks. This personalised approach enhances the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process.

Return-to-Work Support

Exercise physiologists can collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists and physiotherapists, to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to the injured worker’s return-to-work plan. They can provide input and recommendations regarding functional abilities, physical readiness, and any necessary modifications or accommodations required in the workplace. This collaboration helps facilitate a smooth transition back to work and promotes successful reintegration into the workforce.

Education and Empowerment

Exercise physiologists play a vital role in educating injured workers about their condition, the importance of exercise in recovery, and self-management techniques. They empower individuals to take an active role in their rehabilitation process, providing them with the knowledge and skills to continue exercises independently, prevent future injuries, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

By working with an exercise physiologist under WorkCover or the NSW CTP injury scheme, injured workers, motorists or pedestrians can benefit from specialised exercise programs, pain management strategies, functional restoration, individualised care, support during the return-to-work process, and education for long-term self-management. These benefits ultimately contribute to improved outcomes, enhanced well-being, and a successful recovery for injured workers and motorists.

Transform Your Health with Nutrition and Exercise Science

Why choose to work with our accredited Dietitians and Exercise Physiologists;

Reduce or eliminate the need of medications

Increase your energy levels

Lose/gain/maintain your weight sustainably

Increase your strength, flexibility and fitness Be the role model you want to be for your kids, friends and family

Develop a healthy relationship with food and your body

Manage your health condition naturally

Prevent the development of a health condition

Improve your fertility

Improve the quality of your child’s diet

Optimise your athletic performance

Prolong your life

Services we offer

Transformative Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Feed your
mind program

Corporate Health Presentations

Sports Nutrition
Rehab programs for injured workers
and motorists (under SIRA/CTP)
Aged Care

Referrals Form

Referrals are welcome from insurers, employers, GPs or patients can self refer as long as they can provide us with contact details of organisations looking after their claims.

Fill in the form